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Showing posts from 2018

4 Myths About ERP - DEBUNKED!

You know the reasons to get an ERP to run your business, but are plagued with the common fears of all businesses when selecting the right one for your needs.  I'm here to tell you that you're wrong! All ERP Systems are Expensive Of course this is the most easily proven belief when it comes to choosing an ERP system.  You don't have to look very long before you find that ALL of the top brands in the ERP game are going to cost you a large portion of your revenue to implement and maintain.  For this reason it makes getting an ERP almost impossible for most businesses, and for small businesses trying to stay on top of things it could be "the nail in the coffin". But why do all of the top brands in the ERP market charging so much for their solution?  Are they worth it?  The simplest answer is, they have a Name that you brag about.  "I'm in charge of company X and I use SAP to run my business!"  You paid for those bragging rights.  What else do ...

VIDEO - JBitPro ERP Tour!

So your interested in JBitPro ERP, but haven't signed up yet?  Have a look at the video, we hope it will answer some of the questions you might have about our ERP. Your business needs ERP, but most are complicated and expensive. We provide a simple and affordable solution for your business, so you can spend less time and money on ERP and focus on business. Feel free to give us some feedback on the system!

10 Ways To Save Money Using ERP

If you are looking for reasons to buy an ERP to manage your business, and you need more information about the benefits, you need to read our new eBook.  Get your copy for FREE by simply clicking this link:   10 Ways To Save Money Using ERP We know the difficulties associated with finding the right ERP system, and how expensive it can be to purchase the right tool.  Too many ERP vendors are taking advantage of businesses by charging outrageous prices.  Read the eBook for information you need to make the right choice.

10 Reasons to Sign up for JBitPro ERP now!

You might be content with your current ERP solution, or you might not have one currently.  If you don’t have one, you might be thinking about how expensive an ERP solution is.  This is the one truth in the ERP market today.  Most are very expensive, when you add up all of the things you will need to get it working for your business.  So, what makes JBitPro different?  There are 10 things that make JBitPro different, and the one option you should give strong consideration to.  Let’s consider them, and you be the judge. 1. Simplicity Have you ever used SAP, or even seen their interface?  If you have, can you confidently say “I can setup and use SAP without the assistance of a consultant or expensive training?”  This is one of the key differences with JBitPro.  Our ERP is designed to be simple, and to prove it we want you to see our simple interface for free.   Sign up for you free 30 day trial  and have a look at how simple o...

Let's Hire a Consultant! Why that is a bad idea...

You're in the market for an ERP system.  You have narrowed your search down to 3 major brands, SAP, Oracle Netsuite, and SAGE.  You are reviewing the costs involved, and to this point are still unsure of which one to pick.  Each of those above have the same recurring problem that makes it very hard to decide which platform to go with.  They all have the same core benefits - the promise of making more money by managing your P&L closely, and automating the important tasks that keep your business alive.  But when you balance the cost vs the increased revenue it will bring, by reducing your losses and increasing your efficiency, you find that the increased revenue will cover the new ERP system. This is where the ERP supplier has done their homework.  You need an ERP, and you need one now.  You start contacting the ERP providers on your list, and they all give you the sales pitch about what their system can do, over the other guys.  How much you ...

Compare JBitPro to SAP and Netsuite Cloud ERP Solutions

Choosing an ERP system is not something you can do over night, and it isn't something you can stop thinking about once you have made your choice.  Once you get on board with your new ERP System, you need to continue evaluating things like: Support Experience Cost of ownership Ease of use Consultant costs All of these factors play into your overall satisfaction with your current ERP solution.  I am sure you can think of some other items to add to this list, but for now let's just focus on those areas above. Support Experience There are 3 key factors to how well your provider stacks up in this area, and it might just be the most important area in using an ERP, or any other software solution for that matter.  We need to answer some questions to see if there is a hole in your current offering: Do they respond quickly when there is an issue that is affecting your business? Is their support affordable? Do they break their own published SLA rules often? If ...

How to import inventory with JBitPro Cloud ERP

One of the first few things you will need to do in your new ERP System , is to import your customers  and inventory.  This will allow you to easily move forward with your business, with out much effort.  If you haven't looked at the "How to import customers into JBitPro Cloud ERP", then click the link above. Simple Import Process First thing you will need to do is download the Inventory template, and then paste your inventory into the provided columns.  To do this, click the yellow "Click here is you need the template" button. So let's get started! Login to your JBitPro account Go to the "Data Import" module (tab) Next, click on Items Don't forget to download the template if you don't already have it Paste your inventory items into the template columns Be sure to include the Id for column "UOMId", possible values are listed here . Once your template is filled in, click the "Upload" button Conclusion...

Top 7 Things you MUST do When Selecting a Vendor

There are several reasons a business might be selecting a vendor, and the 2 most common are: To replace an existing, failing or outdated  To fill a need for new materials or services Both of these reasons, and any others, should follow the same process for selecting a vendor.  There are 7 things you must do to select the right vendor: We need to define the problem to solve Create scenarios that must be tested  Test the scenarios against new vendor Define a time line for selecting the new vendor Define a budget for the materials/services provided by the vendor Get feedback from your employees on the vendor shortlist Check the vendor's social media and market ratings Since scenarios are one of the major components to selecting a new vendor, we will discuss them a bit more.  The scenarios should include all of the important issues that you are currently experiencing.  An example of problems to solve might look something like this: Need Service ...

How to Make a Financial Business Plan

You decided to start your own business.  This is definitely an exciting decision, but it is also a scary one.  Several questions come to mind:  How will I get more customers?  What will I do about health insurance?  What if I need to hire employees, how will I pay them?  These are very good questions, and possibly the most important one is "How much do I need to make to keep my business going?" You're going to find a lot of answers to this question out there, but one of the best ones I have found has to do with a daily budget and goals.  This probably the most important way for a small, just starting business to grow and stick around.  It might be easy to say at this point - "I know how to do a daily budget...".  But let't consider it together anyways, I might have missed something in this article, or I might give you an idea you didn't think about. Where to start? First we need to consider the goal of your business.  Is it just to...

How to Price your Services; Taking the Scary out of Pricing

It all starts with an idea for performing a service for others, and charging for it.  The hardest part comes next, deciding what to charge for the service!  It needs to be reasonable, and yet profitable.  When you share the price with potential clients, do they eagerly hand over the money, or do they respond with "We will keep you in mind if we need anything..."  This can be deflating, as many times this means that they are turned off by your pricing.  So, how do you come up with pricing that makes the potential client feel motivated to hire you? The Deal No One Can Pass... We need an example of a service...How about window washing?  As a window washer you will be spending time cleaning windows.  This might be a relatively easy task, if the windows are close to the ground.  But, what if they are 200 stories up?  How can you price your service competitively, and turn a profit?  What price point will make the client say "Your hired!"...

How to Create a Sales Order

Your desk phone rings..."Hello, I would like to purchase 4 of those fantastic products you just advertised!"  Now what?  Do you open a desk drawer and pull out an order pad?  Archaic option for sure.  Instead, login to your JBitPro ERP account and see if this customer is in your database, and if they aren't add the new customer !  Then start filling out his order using the Order module. Creating the Order Login your JBitPro ERP Click on the Orders tab Click on Orders Click New Fill in the information about this Order, this is called the Order Header: Click Create If you need to adjust information in the Order's header, click Edit Header To add lines to the Order, click Add Line Fill in the information about the Item you are adding to the order, some information will be auto-populated: Your Order should look similar to the one below: When done, you can Print the order, or just click the blue Back button Conclusion Creating Sales Orders i...

How to Add a New Vendor

If you own a business you understand the important role vendors play in your existence.  With out a vendor most businesses wouldn't have anything to sell.  Even the best fabricator needs a vendor for something he can't create or for the materials he will be creating.  With JBitPro ERP  you don't need to setup a vendor to sell items.  We do encourage setting them up, since that is the doorway to tracking your spending on specific items and materials. Who is The Muffin Man? Let's imagine that we are running a bakery.  You will need things like flour, sugar, salt, butter (lots and lots of butter), fresh fruits, dried fruits, baking soda, and well, you get the point.  To get those items you will need someone reliable, prompt, and fair in their dealings.  If you are to succeed then this supplier will need to meet your high standards for the products and services they provide you, which in turn makes your products high quality.  If we are being...

How to Add Inventory Bins

Every time I think about inventory bins, I imagine those little colored plastic bins that his nuts and bolts at the hardware store.  It helps when you can visualize where the inventory is going to be sitting.  In order for your JBitPro ERP system to track your inventory, it is important to tell it where the items or services sit inside of your warehouse .  You might be thinking about the services part of your business right now, and thinking - "Services don't physically sit anywhere!"...and you are right, they don't.  Services are a lot like this Blog post, a thought in mind that only takes form when written on paper or page.  Yet, still it is an item you sell, think of it as a virtual item. Services Inventory Bins?! You might already know where this is headed...Yes we are going to put services into inventory bins, alongside our physical items!  Its not a crime, and as you will see it actually makes some sense when you see how it all fits together. ...

How to Add Warehouses

Adding warehouses to your JBitPro ERP is important, since it is the first layer in organizing your inventory.  This means you will need to think about your current storage areas and define them in JBitPro as warehouses.  A warehouse is any place that you store many items, this could be anything from a closet to a large storage building.  Below are some examples of a warehouse: A closet where you keep supplies or inventory A room in your building that holds inventory A large attached or detached building where inventory is housed So to be clear, a warehouse doesn't need to be a huge building with racks of inventory as far as the eye can see, it only needs to be a separate space where you are storing inventory, or even supplies. Giving this some thought, you have undoubtedly realized that you have at least one warehouse on your premises.  But what if you are reading this right now going "I sell services, so I don't have a warehouse"?  DON'T LEAVE YET!...

How to Add Employees

One of the first tasks you will complete after logging into your JBitPro account is, to create an employee record for yourself, and for any of your other employees/users.  It is necessary to have an employee record so that you can create - sales orders, purchase orders, receive inventory, and complete other tasks in the ERP system. Creating an Employee Let’s get started! Go to the HR Management module Click on Employee Management If you are adding yourself, click “Add Self”; If you are adding another employee, use “New” When clicking “Add Self” an Employee record is added for your user NOTE:   One user can have multiple employee records tied to it.  Though this is currently allowed, it isn’t recommended.  Each user that will be using the system should have an Employee record if he/she will be completing tasks that are tied to an employee record.  Such as Sales Orders, Receiving, and Purchasing. After using “Add Self”, you should edit your employee re...

Why You Need an ERP - Scenario 2

In our first scenario we discussed the difference between solving an issue with a customer's product order using 2 methods.  1) no ERP in place, and 2) using an ERP.  Though there are some dramatics in that article, you can see the difference of using an ERP vs not in that situation.  So, let's move on to another scenario that using an ERP offers benefits. Selling a Service Most ERP systems are designed to handle Items and Materials, after all they were originated to assist the manufacturing realm with managing materials and production quotas.  Because of this many of the current ERP systems don't really address the selling of Services.  But it is possible to sell and manage services using an ERP system.  As an example we will pretend that you are registered for an account here at , and you are selling services. Though selling services differs in many ways from selling a tangible item, they all boil down to the same basic principle:...

Why You Need an ERP - Scenario 1

The other day I saw a question posted to Quora where the user was asking "Why do I need an ERP?", and it got me to thinking.  How can I answer that question, and provide proof that if you are in business, you need an ERP? This series of Blog posts will set out to answer that question by using some scenarios where using an ERP makes sense, and helps the situation.  Basically, if you don't have an ERP and you face this problem, you can overcome it with some blood sweat and tears vs handling it with an ERP system in your tool belt. Scenario 1 - What Happened to My Money? Imagine the setting, you sit at your desk, the corner office with a view.  Looking out to the sales floor, all the sales staff are busily making calls grabbing documents from the printer, and getting coffee.  Then you get a call from an irritated customer...the conversation goes something like this: Customer:  I ordered Product-A 2 weeks ago from Molly and it should have been delivered ...

Join the Open Beta for JBit Pro Cloud ERP

Here is more information about our Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning System.  We need people like yourself to help me test it. We can only test it so far before needing feedback. It isn’t complete yet, so you will need an open mind if you choose to assist. A few notes about what this ERP System consists of at this moment (functioning parts): Customer Management Adding new Top Level Customer (equates to a company) Adding Customer Contacts (contacts associated with a company) Adding Customer Shipping information (company addresses and information for shipping to them) Adding Customer Billing information (company addresses and information for billing) Inventory Management Adding New Items Adding Bin Locations Adding Warehouses that hold the bin locations (address and site information) Inventory stock level monitoring Purchase Orders Creating New PO's Editing PO's Printing PO's Order Management (for customer orders) ...