It all starts with an idea for performing a service for others, and charging for it. The hardest part comes next, deciding what to charge for the service! It needs to be reasonable, and yet profitable. When you share the price with potential clients, do they eagerly hand over the money, or do they respond with "We will keep you in mind if we need anything..." This can be deflating, as many times this means that they are turned off by your pricing. So, how do you come up with pricing that makes the potential client feel motivated to hire you? The Deal No One Can Pass... We need an example of a service...How about window washing? As a window washer you will be spending time cleaning windows. This might be a relatively easy task, if the windows are close to the ground. But, what if they are 200 stories up? How can you price your service competitively, and turn a profit? What price point will make the client say "Your hired!"...
Enterprise Resource Planning is one of the most sought after tools when running a business that has inventory, employees, vendors, and customers that all need to be tracked and organized. It is the top priority of any successful business to closely control these areas to reduce the loss while increasing the profits. This blog will examine all things related to managing your business and how an ERP fits into those needs.