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Showing posts from July, 2018

Customer Management with JBitPro Cloud ERP

How does customer management help you run your business?  One way is being able to quickly find their contact information.  That all starts with adding the customer to the ERP system.  This Article will show you how to add a new Customer and the Contacts associated with that Customer. What are Customers? In the JBit Pro ERP system, a Customer represents a Company.  A Customer can have many Contacts associated with it in various roles.  So, lets start with adding a Customer Record: Login to your JBit Pro account Click the “Customers” link on the Customers Tab You will see 2 buttons, “Back” and “New”, click New Fill in the Information for the New Company, required fields are: Company Name Address 1 City State Zip Phone Click “Create” Congratulations you just added your First new Customer! What are Customer Contacts? Customer Contacts are the people you talk to when you need to communicate with the Company they are associated with.  T...

How to Get Registered for the JBit Pro BETA Program

Looking for a FREE option to solve your Enterprise Resource Planning problems? Did you know that right now  JBit Pro Cloud ERP  is in the Beta stage? Everyone who signs up will get a free 30 day trial! That is a huge value, when you consider that the average price for an ERP system is $800 per User, per month. When your free trial ends you only pay $9.99 per month until we go live. Or if you want to lock in a lower price, we are offering 1 year of service for $79.99 per year. This will give you plenty of time to get to know our refreshingly simple ERP software! Getting Started Follow these steps to get started: Go to Click on “Register” Choose one of the Beta Plans (monthly, yearly) You will need to enter your Credit Card information in case you want to continue using   JBitPro   after your 30 Day Free Trial ends Next you will need to enter the following information: Company Name (no special characters allowed) Your role wi...

The History of ERP

Hard to imagine running a business with out a computer aiding you.  But that is exactly what businesses did, more than 40 years ago.  Some of the biggest companies today, started before computers came on the scene.  So, how did they manage things before computers?  Can a business succeed today without the use of software and computers?  The simple answer, yes.  Is that the smart choice?  Simple answer, no. No Computer, No Problem? In 1950 if you owned a business, and wanted to succeed, it was important to fill a need and at a reasonable price.  Just like today, you needed to save money by keeping your running costs down.  To do this effectively, you must be organized, very very organized, and disciplined.  This also means you have to record everything, on paper...remember, there isn’t a computer yet.  So you have books, books for inventory, books for accounting, books for orders, books...well you get the point.  The amo...